What are The Mirror Darkly Workshops?

The Mirror Darkly Workshops are peer-to-peer journaling groups, facilitated by volunteers, designed to help journal-artists illuminate and integrate their shadows through narrative creative fiction, based on true experiences, inspired by other journal entries and/or artist testimonials.

Our primary rule is that we don’t disclose which parts of our stories are fiction or non-fiction, nor do we comment on others' work unless explicitly invited to do so.

In optional sharing sessions, we engage in resonate-editing—highlighting parts of each other’s stories that personally resonate. These resonances, we hypothesize, help journal-artists discern truth from lies within their narratives. May the truth set us free.

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Our Workshops

Since 2020, we’ve hosted over 750 journaling sessions, averaging 3 people per session, with approximately 2,350 people served.

Keep Calm & Journal On.